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大连海事大学来华留学生首次开展 “模拟IMO会议”活动

作者: 阅读次数: 日期:2018-12-21

12月15日上午,留学生教育中心在大连海事大学国际会议报告厅成功举办“模拟国际海事组织会议”活动。此次活动获得了IMO秘书长林基泽先生的视频祝贺。该会议是留学生教育中心品牌课程《全球海事治理:IMO 与海事公约》的重要实践环节与考核评价环节。会议旨在切实落实课程理念及海事公约内容,在授课教师张仁平教授的指导下,经过一个多月的精心准备和三次彩排,由来自29个国家的60名留学生深度参与,取得圆满成功,获得来自中外专家评委们的高度评价。


On the morning of December 15, DMU International Students’ Education Center successfully held the 1st activity of Simulating IMO Meeting which is the integral practical part and the assessment of the course of Global Maritime Governance: IMO and Maritime Conventions, one brand course of ISEC. The Meeting aims to practice the course principle and maritime conventions. Guided by Professor Zhang Renping, 60 international students from 29 countries participated; through one month’s preparation and 3 rehearsals, the meeting was a big success and acquired praises from both Chinese and oversea experts. Lim Jize, IMO secretary-general, also sent congratulations by video to the activity.


《全球海事治理:IMO 与海事公约》是大连海事大学留学生研究生教育的公共必修课。本课程旨使留学生通过了解国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization,简称IMO)框架和职能、熟悉国际海事组织制定的海上安全、海上保安和海上环境保护的公约,掌握国际海事组织法律法规修订的基本程序,加深理解国际海事组织以及其成员国在海事公约法规制定过程中发挥的重要作用。


Global Maritime Governance: IMO and Maritime Conventions is a compulsory course for international graduate students. This course aims to help overseas postgraduates know the structure of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and its functions, familiarise with the maritime conventions in safety, security and marine pollution prevention adopted by the IMO, understand the principal procedures maritime legal regime, further understand the leading roles that IMO and its member States play in the development of maritime conventions and regulations.


本次会议作为课程的延伸,以“为安全、保安、高效的洁净海洋”为议题,就国际海事组织的“海上自主水面船舶(Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships,简称MASS)”热点议题涉及的海上安全和环保等一系列问题进行了讨论。从宣布会议开幕,选举主席、副主席并致辞,各国代表提交议案,提出解决办法,评论反馈,到闭幕发言等各环节均严格参照国际海事组织会议流程进行,井然有序。巴拿马国际海事大学校长Aladar Bogar Rodriguez Diaz也在来我校访问期间,观摩会议并发表讲话。


As an extension of the course, the meeting focused on the topic of "Safe,Secure and efficient shipping on clean oceans” discussing hot issues around Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. The Meeting strictly conformed to IMO standard meeting agenda including opening declaration, president election, delivering speeches, proposal submission, raising solutions, feedback and comments, and closing speeches.During the delegation's visit, President Aladar Bogar Rodriguez Diaz of International Maritime University of Panama also attended the Model IMO Meeting and delivered a speech.


会议邀请交通运输部海事局国际处处长谢辉、加拿大达尔豪斯大学海事法律与政策研究中心主任Aldo Chircop教授、青岛远洋船员职业学院国际海事研究所张铎教授及我校法学院教授世界海事大学海洋法律和政策名誉教授Proshanto K. Mukherjee等多位校内外专家组成评委团,对会上留学生们的表现进行了专业的点评,给予了高度的评价,并为来自巴勒斯坦的代表颁发“最佳发言人”奖,为来自巴基斯坦的代表团颁发“最佳提案奖”,以及其他个人奖。


The Meeting invited many experts forming judges – Xie Hui, director of International Affairs of the Maritime Safety Administration,Ministry of Transport of China, Prof. Aldo Chircop of Canada Research Chair in Maritime Law and Policy at the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University, Professor Zhang Duo of  International Maritime Convention Institute of Qingdao Ocean Shipping Mariners’ College, and Proshanto K. Mukherjee,Professor of Law of Dalian Maritime University and Emeritus Professor of Maritime Law and Policy, World Maritime University. These experts offered professional comments on students’ performance and awarded prizes to related students and groups. Best Speaker was awarded to Palestine representative, and Best Proposal went to Pakistan Group.


近年来,大连海事大学留学生教育中心为使留学生更好了解国际海事最前沿的知识,开设了系列课程和讲座,其中《全球海事治理:IMO 与海事公约》为其中深受广大留学生欢迎的课程之一。此次模拟会议,不仅丰富了教学活动,更使理论与实践相结合,加深了学生们的参与度和成就感,提升了留学生对当代及未来海事工作的认识,激发了学习兴趣及作为海事院校学子在未来海事工作中有所建树的热情与信心。这是在牢固海大留学生专业知识与技能的同时,通过来华留学生教育呼吁更大范围地关注海上航行安全和防止船舶造成海洋污染的一次探索,也是秉承“一带一路”倡议使更多国际学生投身海上安全、保安和海上环境保护事业,从而为实现共商、共享、共建的和平与发展目标做出的一份努力。


With the aim of having students better understand the latest maritime knowledge, International Students’ Education Center in recent years opened related new courses and a series of lectures among which Global Maritime Governance: IMO and Maritime Conventions is a popular one. This Meeting not only enriches teaching content, but also combines teaching and practice and arouse students’ interest in maritime issues. Also, this practice is in line with One Belt One Road Initiative in involving more international students in the causes of maritime safety and environmental protection as well as contributes a part to realize the goal of peace and development.




On May 14, 2017, during Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, Li Xiaopeng, minister of Ministry of Transport, and Lim Jize, IMO secretary-general, jointly signed Letter of Intent: 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Promoting the Implementation of IMO Documents between Ministry of Transport (PRC) and IMO. The two sides would strengthen cooperation and help developing countries with the cultivation of maritime talents and competence development.


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